How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids, Piles Naturally Without Surgery

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the rectal and anal regions. They could be internal or external and could cause bleeding, if irritated. The symptoms of piles are swelling, pain, bleeding and itching.
Piles can be a cause of insufficient intake of fibre in the diet, straining while passing stool due to constipation and inadequate intake of fluids. However, certain instances increase the chances of hemorrhoids, such as
- Constipation
- Ageing
- Obesity
- Pregnancy
Piles can be treated through surgeries such as rubber band ligation, laser therapy, hemorrhoidectomy, sclerotherapy and stapled hemorrhoidectomy. But these surgeries could be unsafe and may cause complications later, such as infections, internal bleeding, etc. One could also get rid of hemorrhoids naturally. Following are the natural treatment for piles, which can be done at home.
- Witch hazel - Witch hazel wipes and soaps have anti-inflammatory properties and help reduce pain and itching.
- Aloe Vera - Aloe Vera soothes the inflammation and provides relief from the burning sensation. It is anti-inflammatory and helps get rid of hemorrhoids naturally.
- Epsom salt Bath - A warm water bath with Epsom salt can work wonders in treating hemorrhoids. A Sitz bath could be used or a tub for full body bath.
- Ointments - There is ointments available with natural ingredients, which can be used to treat hemorrhoids naturally without surgery.
- Wipes - Wipes with Aloe Vera or witch hazel could be used to clean the affected area after bowel movement, instead of toilet paper.
- Cold compress - Applying an ice pack on the anus can relieve of pain and inflammation.
- Wear loose cotton clothes - Loose cotton clothes help to keep the anal area dry and clean. Polyester clothing should be avoided.
- Stool softeners - Addition of fibre in the diet can help soften the stools which allow smooth bowel movements. This lessens the chance of a hemorrhoid getting disturbed hence, helping in getting rid of hemorrhoids naturally.
- Maintain a regular eating schedule
- Exercise regularly to avoid constipation
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Eat a fibre-rich diet
- Avoid sitting in one position for long
- Avoid straining while passing stool
- Do not avoid the urge to go to the bathroom
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