Herbal Remedies that Stop Causes of Constipation in Adults Naturally

Causes of constipation in adults
Constipation can be a painful deal. Even if it is very common among adults, lack of fibres, water and other essential macro-nutrients in the body can be the primary causes of constipation. A prolonged effect can also lead to haemorrhoids, colon cancer, inability to pass stool, blood in the stool, abdominal bleeding etc.
However, there is always a solution to make it easier for the individual. Multiple herbal remedies and concoctions can be consumed internally and applied externally to help ease of the bowel movements. Are you worried how? Here in this guide, we have mentioned some herbal remedies for constipation. Read on for the easiest processes that can help you pass your bowels with ease:
• Drink more water - Drinking more water can hydrate you to the core making your excreta softer, hence easier to pass. Avoid soft drinks though.
• Eat soluble, non fermentable fibre - Increase your fibre intake as a part of your diet. This will help you solve the problems such as blood in stool, hardness, bloating and gas. You should include nuts, seeds, beans, vegetables, raw fruits, green leafy veggies, figs, prunes and warm liquids to your daily diet. You should avoid having caffeine and alcohol in order to get rid of the problem.
• Laxatives - Curry based foods have a lot of ingredients that act as natural laxatives. However, if that is something you wish to avoid, opt for natural laxatives such as husk, chia seeds, senna and other over the counter options.
• Avoid dairy - intolerance to the dairy products can also be a primary cause of constipation. Therefore, it should be avoided under all circumstances. If you are allowed to have dairy based products, choose curd as it is a natural probiotic substance which will aid in smoother passage. These are some ways to treat constipation naturally.
Arozyme capsule - this is effective constipation herbal remedy designed with pure herbs that are safe to use and never bring any ill effect to your health. This herbal product is designed with powerful herbs that helps treat constipation quickly and safely. It helps relax colon muscles and colon detoxification. It helps treat hyperacidity, abdominal pain and handle indigestion. You can take one or two capsules twice in a day with water to get desired results.
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