Natural Ways To Reduce Aging Effects In Men And Women

Herbal Energy Supplement Product
Aging is caused by damage to cells by harmful by-products of metabolic activities, or ineffective defense of the body. The toxic accumulation of by-products throughout the lifepan causes aging and this can eventually lead to failure of a critical organ. People who are exposed to toxic chemicals regularly can suffer from early aging due to damage caused to the proteins accumulated in body, loss of enzyme activities and cellular dysfunction. Changes in DNA repair mechanism can cause early aging due to loss of the flow of signaling in body. These hypotheses on aging resemble the theories mentioned in ayurveda to repair cell damage, eliminate toxic accumulations from the various body organs and reinstall metabolism to reduce aging effects.

The texts Charak Samhita states Shilajit capsules can increase longevity and is widely used for muscle wasting, tumors and skin disorders. Its usefulness extends to other systems of the body where it can improve constitution of the nerves and the reproductive system. The chemical constituents include humus and fulvic acids, while, it contains minerals such as selenium to reduce aging effects. The extracts collected from mountains have many components and properties depending on the area from where the extract is collected. Solubility and water extract pH is used to determine its constituents and nature.

Most aging people suffer from vague non-specific medical problems. Shilajit capsules can provide bio components to prevent these. For example - Herbal energy supplement can prevent rise in lipid profile and blood glucose. It can increase pancreas cells and enhance the secretion of insulin to prevent the condition of hyperglycemia. Study finds lipid profile in diabetic rats improved on taking shilajit which happened as the intake by lab rats improved protein, fat and glucose metabolism.

The digestive system weakens and the tissues have less flexibility on aging. Those in the age 70 to 80 have weak muscles where slight pressure or pull on muscles can cause long term tear inside. The body is unable to absorb nutrients from the vivid supplements taken. The endocrines fail to provide the needed support to body functions and the brain suffers due to poor access to nutrition through the foods. Shilajit has been mentioned in ayurveda as an anti aging supplement for many medical problems and to reduce aging effects. The intake Shilajit capsules can help as it improves endocrine flow from the pituitary and the hypothalamus and the hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin releasing chemicals. The natural phyto chemicals and high antioxidants in the extract are higher than blueberries (as mentioned by one of the published data study) and can provide natural strength to the body which does not vanishes on discontinuation of the pills.

The processed form of the extract contains biologically active bio components such as the DBP - di-benzo-alpha-pyrone which can increase spermatogenic activities in men and improve energy levels in body of both men and women. Most curative properties of shilajit are believed to be due to the high percentage of fulvic acids. The molecular composition contains resins, latex, fatty acids, gums, sterols, amino acids, phenolic lipids and various other high performance compounds. It contains specific molecular lignin and polysaccharides to reduce aging effects.


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