Herbal Remedy For Low Immunity To Improve Energy And Vitality

Immunity Boosting Supplements
Stress, low immunity and chronic fatigue syndrome are interlinked conditions. Poor diet and stress can disrupt normal immune functions making one feel tired of everyday activities even when one gets up in morning after the night sleep, the metabolism is effected, one feels weak and has cough or cold lasting all winters and vulnerability to cold and flu as the season changes are high. Elevated cortisol has adverse impact on immunity and if cortisol falls below optimal levels, it can remove the safety valves which disrupt the immune system and it overreacts to threats. There are stages when the adrenals are overtired and depleted and this causes deficiencies of endocrines. This causes fall in cortisol and the anti-inflammatory effects of cortisol vanishes.

Loss of energy can be attributed to either peripheral fatigue or central fatigue. In peripheral fatigue, the organ system dysfunction causes muscle wasting, joint abnormalities and other forms of diseases, and in central fatigue the person suffers from fatigue due to depression, sleep disorders, etc. This can happen due to the imbalance of the neural, immune system and endocrine response to stress. Haritaki or terminalia chebula is widely used herbal remedy for low immunity due to its anti mutagenic, anti diabetic, antioxidant, antiviral and anti fungal properties.

The anti inflammatory effect of the herbal treatment for low immunity which is present as a key ingredient in Revival capsules prevent osteoclastic bone resorption and suppresses oral bacterial growth. It reduces induction of proteases and inflammatory cytokines. These work as liver stimulant and can cure gastrointestinal disorders to improve energy and vitality. It enhances appetite and digestion. It is also effective in case of nerve irritability caused by metabolic imbalance.

Another ingredient of the herbal weak immune system treatment Revival capsules - jaiphal or nutmeg has been widely used in Ayurvedic cures for allergic inflammation of lungs. It was tested in laboratory on mice where it could reduce antigen induced allergic inflammation to lungs and this was due to the fact where the relative activities of GATA-3 in the cells reduces, reducing mucus secretions in lungs. Similarly, guggul has anti inflammatory effects where the activation of the NF-kB with activators such as hydrogen peroxide as in cigarette smoke is prevented on taking the extract of guggul. The chemical components in the extract guggul guggulsterones can reduce the circulating markers of inflammation and pro inflammatory cytokines. It reduces cyclo oxygenase -2 m RNA levels and suppresses TNF mediated induction to improve energy and vitality.

Similarly, the intake of saffron can temporarily alter immunoglobin concentration in the serum of healthy men and the oral ingestion of saffron extract i.e. stigma can increase the concentration of monocytes by 9 percent and immunoglobins levels improved in three weeks to improve energy and vitality. Some promising animal studies find the intake of saffron had attenuating effects on asthma symptoms due to the presence of safranal as tracheal response decreases when the subject is exposed to allergic substances and the level of nitrite and nitric oxide also decreases.


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