Natural Fat Loss Supplements To Reduce Body Weight In A Safe Manner

Environmental stressors and chemicals are underestimated in this regard, even though, these chemicals have anti androgenic effects and leads to the development of obesity. Study on rats exposed to such chemicals in pre natal stage found its exposure caused weight gain and obesity in male offspring. Exposure to nicotine, chemicals (in plastics), pesticides and certain food packaging can cause weight gain as it contains endocrine disruptors, which interfere with fat metabolism. Triphala, one of the ingredients in the natural weight reduction pills, Slim-N-Trim capsules restores metabolism to improve fat eviction to reduce body weight.
Commiphora mukul or guggul, the powerful ingredient in the capsules, contains the bio components set of guggulsterone Z which if taken in dose 10 mg per kg is able to increase iodine uptake and improves metabolism of the thyroid gland. It reduces hepatic cholesterol in rats as was tested in laboratory and the mechanism involves the reduction in bile acid secretion. It also reduces the uptake of cholesterol through diet. The bio chemicals in guggul enhance hepatic reuptake of the cholesterol by the mechanism of stimulation of hepatic LDL receptors. Most clinical human trials depict the reduction in the level of cholesterol and serum TG level by an average of 20 percent and this could benefit 70 to 80 percent of the patients. The plant extract dose 400 to 500 mg per kg is recommended for 2 to 3 times a day with meals.
These herbs as in the natural fat loss supplements - Slim-N-Trim capsules can restore the function of liver by promoting detoxification by the phyto chemicals and have power to fight the harmful effects of environmental toxins on body tissues to reduce body weight. The imbalance of endocrines included by smoke, plastics, pollutants, xenoestrogens and pesticides can be reversed by taking these herbs.
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